
What is the Community Council Forum?

The Community Council Forum supports Community Councils in the city of Aberdeen, Scotland.

We provide a place for discussion, sharing of information and to promote the views of communities throughout the city of Aberdeen.

We support all of our members to take forward actions on addressing agreed areas of common concern and promoting shared priorities.

We also help to coordinate and facilitate joint activities and projects with Community Councils in Aberdeen that benefit all of the city’s communities.

What are Community Councils?

Community Councils are statutory bodies which are established under the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.

Community Councils are the most local level of elected representation in Scotland.

They help to strengthen the voice and promote the views of those  who live within their communities.

Community Councils also have an active role in improve current issues, raising awareness of important topics and promoting the most positive things we want to see more of in the community, to make a real difference for the future.

Rights and Representation

They have Statutory Rights on Planning & Licensing, and have the power to raise issues, promote priorities of their communities and take any other action they decide to be of benefit to support their community.

Community Councils also make representations to Local Authority / Council, Public Services, Agencies, Community Groups, Businesses and more.

All Local Authorities are required to support Community Councils in their area, and so Aberdeen City Council support the presence of Community Councils in Aberdeen.


The members of Community Councils are Elected  and serve in a volunteer role to represent their local community’s views on any issues that are important to the area.

They also take action on making improvements for the future, including supporting local projects and activities to promoting priorities.

Looking Forward

The Community Councils of Aberdeen have developed an updated Scheme of Establishment, Code of Conduct and Boundary Areas that will take effect from the elections of October, 2018.

Community Councils in Aberdeen

The Community Council Forum supports the work of all Community Councils in Aberdeen.

You can access information on all of the city’s Community Councils right here!

It seeks to make sure that the voice of the city’s communities are represented as fully and thoroughly as possible in all matters which will have an effect on the lives of its citizens and which affect the city as a whole.

The Community Council Forum does all of this without compromising or taking the place of the statutory role and community voice of individual Community Councils throughout the city, and always seeks to support their own distinct voice and views.


It usually meets once each month, where all of the city’s Community Councils are able to have up to 4 representatives in attendance.

Summary updates on Activities, including Overview of Minutes are available here.


Thanks & Credits

This site is created and updated by community members and volunteers.
Thank you to all who contribute and support the website and featured content!


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